Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Cortorate Bankruptcy Law in Russia
Cortorate Bankruptcy Law in England
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Anti-money laundering (AML) is a term mostly used in the financial and legal industries to explain the legal controls that call for financial institutions and additional regulated entities to prevent, stop, detect, and report money laundering activities. On the other hand, money laundering is the attempt to disguise the proceeds of illegal activity so that they appear to come from legitimate sources or activities. It can and does take many forms; it typically occurs in three stages [Doyle 2012].
Placement is the stage in which funds derived from illegal activities are introduced into the financial system anywhere in the world. Layering involves conducting one or more transactions designed to disguise the audit trail and make it more difficult to indentify the initial source of funds. Finally, integration is the stage in which the funds are distributed back to the money launderer in what appear to be legitimate transactions.
Актуальность работы заключается в том, что в последнее время вопросам антимонопольного законодательства уделяется большое внимание со стороны исполнительной, законодательной властей и Президента Российской Федерации.
В работе использованы исследования: монографии, периодическая литература как российских, так и зарубежных авторов, а так же отчеты международных организаций, таких как Международный валютный фонд, UNCTAD и другие.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
1.Dmitrii Arefiev. O Federal’nom zakone “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve) (On the Federal Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)” (new version).
Posted at www.bpi.ru.
2.Burmistrova T., Karelin A. Bankrotstva v sovremennoi Rossii. Resul’taty i praktika primeneniia (Bankruptcies in contemporary Russia. Results and practice of their application.) – Pravo i ekonomika, 2009, No. 3.
3.Halliday T.C, “Professionals in systemic reform of bankruptcy laws: the 1978 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and the English Insolvency Act 1986,” Am. Bankr. Law J. 74:1(2009): 35– 75.
4.Popondopulo V.F. Novelly Zakona “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve) (Kratkii kommentarii glav I, II, XII).
(Innovations in the Law “On in solvency (bankruptcy)” (A brief commentary to Chapters I, II, XII).
– Iur ist i bukhgalter 2008, No. 4, p. 81.
5.The institution of bankruptcy: development, problems, areas of reforming. М.: IET, 2009. P. 281
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