Пример готового реферата по предмету: Микро-, макроэкономика
Introduction 3
1. Economic and political structure of China 4
2. China market economy 13
3. Radical political economics in China 16
Conclusion 29
Literature 30
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China, the fourth largest country in area after Russia, Canada and USA has experienced manifold changes in its economic system which has seen it become the second largest economy in the world after USA if measured on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) scale. But still considered as an emerging economy as per capita incomes fall in the lower-middle level, China is making its presence felt in the global stage by taking big strides in opening up its economy to international trade.
China has been achieving an impressive rate of development of its economy and increase in its regional/global economic and political influence. There has been speculation about its future potential to act as a major driver of the global economy, and whether its methods will provide the model that others will now seek to emulate.
Список использованной литературы
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