Пример готового реферата по предмету: Менеджмент
1 The way the corporate structure can effect HR strategies
2 Variation of preferred corporate culture across the world
3 An examples of company corporate culture
List of literature
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According to foreign publications devoted to the theory of organization many researchers perceive cultural differences as a sort of border to international communication and collaboration. Today in the leading international corporations is absolutely recognized the thought that in using cultural differences they become sources of additional features.
Следовательно, сегодня возникла объективная необходимость разработки новых концепций управления предприятием, основанной на организационной культуре; моделирования процесса формирования и развития организационной культуры, а также разработки универсальной методики выбора рациональной стратегии формирования и развития организационной культуры для каждой конкретной фирмы.
Apple is probably the most well-known company when it comes to the making of technology that is cutting edge and something that everyone wants to have in their possession. Apple Computer first came to be a company in 1976 when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak when they released the Apple I and was located in Cupertino, California. These two young men dropped out of college, and were often viewed as outcasts in most of the places that they were at, including schools, which could have been the reason that they dropped out of college. As most people have heard, Apple really started in the basement or garage, depending on who the person talks to rather than at some expensive business location. Which is perhaps the reason so many people were first intrigued by the brand and could be the reason that the computers were such a success, they were created by guys that knew what they wanted and passed this on to the rest of the world. And what they wanted was something that other people wanted as well.
List of literature
1.Ananieva E. Corporate culture//Management, 2010.-№ 9
2.Charles Hampoen Managing people.-Capstone publishing Ltd, 2004
3.Corporate culture influence to personal motivation//Human recourses management , 2008.- N 9
4.Ivanova S. Stimulate affect of Corporate culture // Personnel management guide , 2008.-№ 4
5.Kameron К, Kuinn R. Analysis and change of organizational culture. The Lane with English — S-pb.: Peter, 2001. — 100 p
6.Lapina T.A. Corporate cultire.- Omsk.:OmSU, 2005. – 96 p.
7.Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: the theory and practice. — S-pb.: Peter, 2001-13 p
8.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- № 16 (261)
9.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- № 16 (261)
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