Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
1. Job Analysis 2
2. The benefits of using social media to attract applicants 3
3. The benefits of a job description 4
4. Person specification 5
5. The effectiveness of the interview 6
List of reference 8
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Проблемы и вызовы международной валютной системы(Problems and challenges of the international monetary system)
In this essay the differences and similarities between two different plays based on the same biblical episode is going to be revealed and compared. The episode with Noah is very wide-known and popular in the medieval theatre. It was used as a base both in the Towneley and N-Town cycles, but the representation of the episode in these two cycles are rather different. And the main difference is, as I think, concerns the representation of the characters in both plays.
Organization form interview is individual. Individual interview suppose that one interviewer works separately with each new applicant that allows to come into the strongest contact. Confidential relations are appeared between them that help to discuss detailed and careful all necessary subjects. However the situation when an interviewer, being under impression of the previous candidates, is possible, interviewers subjectively estimate the next competitor as against the predecessors he can look "faintly" or, on the contrary
«Critically evaluate the relevance and application of the moral right of integrity in the entertainment business»
Within our dissertation work we conducted a survey of over 500 HR and business leaders in more than 30 countries worldwide to explore how HR priorities and challenges have changed during the global economic downturn. Hudson’s study indicates that during this current economic crisis, the focus is not only on cost cutting through right-sizing, but also on talent engagement, talent development, and the retention of talent key to the organization’s success.
As one of the most influential American writers in the 20th century, Hemingway pioneered a generation of writing style. He is famous for his unique writing style — iceberg theory. In this paper, the author firstly introduces the different views about Hemingway’s iceberg theory among the critics. And then the author discusses the theory from the aspects of succinct words and symbolism. On the dimensions of describing scenery, portraying figures and describing psychology, Hemingway’s style is seemingly rather simple and direct. On the other hand, the theme of Hemingway’s works is symbolic and provides much room for thinking. Hemingway endowed his works with symbolic meanings by using the methods of pun and coda. Also, meanings of Christian symbolism are obvious in his works.
Список источников информации
1. Basovsky L.E. HR Management / L.E. Basovsky — M: Infra-M, 2008. — 240 p.
2. Blank I.A. How to find a good worker/ I.A.Blank -M. : Nick Center, 2007. — 592 p.
3. Gareth Roberts Recruitment and Selection: A Competency Approach.- CIPD Publishing, 2007.- 256 p.
4. Lou Adler Hire with Your Head: Using Power Hiring to Build Great Companies.- John Wiley & Sons, 2009.- 352 p.
5. Recruiting in social media//practice of trade, 2012.- № 8
6. Recruitment 2.0.//http://www.luxoft-personnel.ru/press/articles/recruitment_2_0/
7. Rob Yeung Successful Interviewing and Recruitment.- Kogan Page, 2008.- 160 p.
8. Sheremet A.D. Human resource management of the modern organization: studies. grant. / A.D. Sheremet, A.F. Ionova. — 2nd edition.- M: Infra-M, 2007. — 479 p.
9. Sullivan J. A WOW Recruiting Opportunity — Micro-Videos on Twitter and Instagram// http://drjohnsullivan.com/a-wow-recruiting-opportunity-micro-videos-on-twitter-and-instagram/, July 08, 2013
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