Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 2
1 General Notion on Gradation 3
1.1 Definition of Gradation 3
1.2 British Linguistic School’s Approach 4
2 Gradation in Different Types of Texts 7
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
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The given paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography and mainly applies such methods as restructuring of the existing information on gradation. The clarification of term invariants (gradation and climax) is also provided.
1. the work finished last week was…; 2. the case solved by the investigator; 3.taken fingerprints; 4. when asked he …; 5. officers dealing with criminals; 6.establishing factor; 7. if properly used the evidence can…; 8. Although transmitted over a long distance, the signal was… .
Belonging to a family is one bond almost everyone in the world shares.There are many different types of families. In a few families there are no children.
The urgency of our qualification paper. Neologisms are very important in our life, especially now, because we have a development of science and technology, the new courses in the field of literature, art and music etc. So they are widly used in mass media texts. But reading newspapers people sometimes don’t know the meaning of some words because they are formed by means of untraditional methods and untraditional models. So these methods and models are ought to be investigated.
This paper is structured as follows. After the introduction, the Chapter 1 will focus the attention on the theory of text corpora developed by different linguists: the most important features and properties will be reviewed. Chapter 2 being an emipical part of the researchwill deal with the analysis of English and American lexemes included into the structure of The GloWbE corpus words with reference of numbers of usage in American and British blogs and comparison of the meanings. After having conducted the analysis, some conclusions will be drawn.
The present research consists of an Introduction, a Chapter I, which is dedicated to the theoretical survey of the imagery and its types, a Chapter II, where we make an analysis of the usage of the imagery in Wilde’s poems. We describe the different types of the imagery which were used in the poems and its functions in the text.
analyzing specificity of idiomatic fixed phrases English referring to such a concept as “cunning” taking into consideration their form, structure, semantics as well as the problem of their adequate interpretation into Russian.
Список источников информации
1 Allan, K., Burridge, K. Forbidden Words. Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, 2006.
2 Bullinger, E. W. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. London, MerrilPrint: 2012.
3 Cain, S.A. The Climax and Its Complexities. The American Midland Linguist. Vol. 21, No. 1 (Jan., 1939), pp. 146-181.
4 Corbett, E.P.J. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. New York, Oxford University Press: 1971.
5 Zaban, B.K. The Pillar Function of the Speeches of Wisdom: Proverbs. 8.3 The Gradation… Berlin, Boston: Walter&Co, 2012.
6 Sarchi, LL.D. An Essay on Hebrew Poetry Ancient and Modern. London, ABC: 2014. P. 29.
7 Toolan, M. Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics. A Hodder Arnold Publication: London, New York, 2008.
8 Walker, J. A Rhetorical Grammar: In which the Common Improprieties in Reading and Speaking. London, Briton: 2014.
9 Wales, K. A Dictionary of Stylistics. Pearson ESL, 2007.
10 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press: London, 2010.
11 Stylistic Devices Dictionary. London, WebPoint: 2012.
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