Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
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The important researches in the sphere of polysemy were made by Lyon who considers polysemy and homonymy as two types of lexical ambiguity and introduce some criteria for deciding when it is polysemy and when it is homonymy. One criterion is etymological information about the lexical item in question. Lexical items with the same origin are considered as polysemantic, whereas if they have evolved from distinct lexemes in some earlier stage of the language then they are regarded as homonymous [15].
In order to form a theoretical base of the research, we have analysed works of V.I. Kodukov, V.V. Babaytseva, V.N. Migirin, E.C. Cubreacov, V.M. Nikitevich, V.V. Lopatin, E.P. Kalechits, V.V. Bogdanov, A. Bondarenko, N.D. Arutyunova, V.V. Lopatin and many other significant thinkers. As for the sources written in Spanish, works of Pérez Rioja J.A., Francisco Matte Bon, José Roca Pons were considered to be central.
Lexicology can study the development of the vocabulary, the origin of words and word-groups, their semantic relations and the development of their sound form and meaning. In this case it is called historical lexicology.
There are a lot of difficulties in defining the word meaning. It is unfortunate, however, that the term 'meaning' turns out to be elusive and is used to cover a variety of linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. This is the reason why there is no general agreement either about what meaning is or about the way in which it should be described.
Not without reason, a lot of attention to interactive types of work – to group discussions, conversations "at a round table" is paid today, to cases, etc. Work with texts of reference character, i.e. their reading, the analysis, use – is a receptive type of cornerstone at the heart of which skills of a foreign-language discourse are and in which the features investigated in this work are inherent.
Not without reason, a lot of attention to interactive types of work – to group discussions, conversations "at a round table" is paid today, to cases, etc. Work with texts of reference character, i.e. their reading, the analysis, use – is a receptive type of cornerstone at the heart of which skills of a foreign-language discourse are and in which the features investigated in this work are inherent.
A lexeme can be analyzed and described in terms of its semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. The semantic structure of a lexeme is treated as a system of meanings. To some extent, we can define a lexeme by telling what set it belongs to and how it differs from other members of the same set.
Список источников информации
Блох, М.Я. (2002) Теоретические основы грамматики. М., Высшая школа.
Вейхман, Г.А. (2010) Современный английский. Новейший справочник по грамматике. М., Астрель: АСТ.
Иванова И.П., Бурлакова, В.В., Почепцова, Г.Г. (1981) Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., Высшая школа.
Rayevska, M.M. (1976) Modern English Grammar. Вища школа.
Greenbaum, S., Quirk, R., Leech, J., Svartvik, J. (2000) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman, New York.
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