Пример готового реферата по предмету: Языкознание и филология
Reasons for change in the lexical meanings of words…………………………… 4
Extralinguistic causes of semantic change…………………………………..…… 4
Linguistic reasons of semantic change……………………………………..……..7
Types of semantic change………………………………….……………….…….8
The narrowing or specialization as one of the types of semantic change……..….9
Bibliography ……………………………………………………. ……………… 11
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Processes of speech communication, is an important form of joint activity of people in the course of which speakers are aimed at transmitting information and the impact on his interlocutor, subject to certain rules and governed by a number of factors. Among all of these components and the factors determining the success of the flow of communication, the most important and indispensable is the requirement that every statement must bear some reasonable sense. Primary and elementary unit of meaning is the word.
Список использованной литературы
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6. Dubenets EM Lexicology of the English language AM: Bustard 1999.
7. VV Eliseev Lexicology of the English language. — St. Petersburg .: St. Petersburg State University, 2003. — 58 c.
8. Zabotkina VI The new vocabulary of modern English. Moscow, 1989.
9. Zvegintsev VA Semasiology. Moscow, 1957.
10. Minaeva LV Lexicology and lexicography of the English language. — M .: STEPS, 2003. — 224p.
11. Nikitin MV The lexical meaning of the word. Moscow, 1983.
12. AI Smirnitsky Lexicology of the English language. — M., 1956.
13. Ufimtseva AA Lexical meaning. M., 1986.
14. Kharitonchik ZA Lexicology of the English language: Proc. allowance. — Mn .: Your. wk, 1992. -. 229s.
15. Linguistics. Large Live encyclopaedic dictionary / Ch. Ed. VN Yartsev. — 2nd ed. — Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998 — 685s.
16. Arnold IV The English Word. M., 1986.
17. Cruise. "Lexical semantic" Cambridge University press, 1995.
18. Griberg SI "Exercises in Modern English". Moscow, 1980.
19. Mednikova EM "Seminars in English Lexicology" Moscow "Vyshaja shkola", 1978.
20. Nida, Eugene. Componential Analysis of Meaning. An Introduction to Semantic Structures. The Hague -Paris, 1975.
21. Rinaburg R. "A course in Modern English". Moscow, 1976.
22. Zagoruiko AY Lectures on Modern English Lexicology, 2005.
23. http://www.etymonline.com/
24. http://dictionary.reference.com/
25. W. Somerset Maugham. Sixty-Five Short Stories. 1988