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Abstract 2
Introduction 2
Chapter 1. Literature review 4
Chapter 2. Organizational culture as the proceeding base of corporate culture 5
Chapter 3. Cross-cultural communication as part of corporate culture 6
Conclusion 9
Appendix 10
1. Structure of cultural paradigm in corporate culture 10
2.corporate culture elements 10
3.Methods of corporative culture foundation on different levels 11
References 12
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Today no one would question the fact of the political, economic and cultural integration in the globalization process taking place in the modern world. Countries and peoples actively collaborate and cooperate in all spheres of life such as politics, economics or culture. This communication could be realized at different levels — from personal communications to international meetings with using the latest advances in information technology (TV bridges, computer networks, Internet).
The process of globalization naturally leads to the cooperative work in the international political, economic and professional organizations, participation in international forums and conferences, to the work in multinational companies and exchanging of experience in industrial and professional fields.
Corporate culture in international companies makes a corporation staff to absorb the rules and specific regulations inside the company including ethic professional norms and communicative interaction.
According to foreign publications devoted to the theory of organization many researchers perceive cultural differences as a sort of border to international communication and collaboration. Today in the leading international corporations is absolutely recognized the thought that in using cultural differences they become sources of additional features.
Corporate (or organizational) culture as a form of society's culture manifestation is created and operates according to the same laws as any other social culture but has its own specific. The concept of corporate culture is quite new for Russia but it is for a long time and actively studied abroad. Today Russia is a part of the global world and takes active participation in all spheres. So we should be able to control the processes in multinational companies especially the impact of national and corporate culture on human behavior and be able to apply their knowledge and skills to achieve the best the results of its activities.
The paper goal is to identify the key underlying characteristics of corporate culture in international corporations using the method of system analysis.
Список использованной литературы
1.What is corporate culture ? Electronic resource – Access mode: http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-corporate-culture.htm
2.Investopedia. Corporate culture definition. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corporate-culture.asp
3. T.N Persikova, Cross-cultural communication and corporate culture. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://www.kstu.ru/ft/Persikova_mezkul_kom.pdf
4. Spivak V.A, Corporate culture. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://www.studmed.ru/spivak-va-korporativnaya-kultura_e 428c 441157.html
5. Susan E. Jackson, Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/84/90/65819084/documents/UnderstandingHRManagementintheContextofOrganizationsandthei.pdf
6.Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and human resource management. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://www.rtsu.tj/ru/scientific-work/vestnik-rtsu/index.php?element=2555&clear_cache=Y
7. Solomanidin T.O. Organizational culture in tables, tests, schemes. Electronic resource – Access mode: http://journals.uspu.ru/i/inst/ped/ped 10/ped 10_8.pdf