Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 2
The history of the formation of the American version of the English language 3
Features of American English 4
Conclusion 7
References 8
Appendix 9
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The texts of business documents are strictly standardized if compared with other literary texts: it concerns both the structure of the whole text and the arrangement of particular paragraphs.This paper is devoted to the study of the official functional style of English and linguistic peculiarities of business correspondence in particular.
The aim of a current work is to study political, sociological and psychological peculiarities of the novels. To determine a genre-defying mix of the novel, its structure peculiarities of “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”. To lead on the general political, cultural and psychological peculiarities of the novels.
The practical significance of the research is defined by the results of the study, which can help to understand the distinctive features of lexical and phraseological peculiarities of the political discourse in English.
Theoretical basis of our research are the scientific works of the following scholars: S. Baker, L. Bauer, J. Bennet, J. Bernard, D. Blair, S. Butler, R. Burchfield, S. Castles, M. Clyne, P. Collins, F. Cox, R. Dabke, W.H. Douglas, W.B. Gudykunst, J. Holm, B.M. Horvath, O. Jespersen, J. Jupp, A. Knight, G. Leitner, I.G. Malcolm, M. Newbrook, I. Piller, B. Taylor, P. Trudgill, G.W. Turner and others.
It is the top priority of this research to analyse the business letter as a linguistic phenomenon. As a result, to attain the target, we have studied a row of the available sources concerning the theoretical aspects of this question. All the examples in the practical part of the term paper were taken from the textbook “Деловая переписка на английском” translated by N.A. Ganina. The references of the visual materials used in Appendices I and II can be found under the pictures.
It is the top priority of this research to analyse the business letter as a linguistic phenomenon. As a result, to attain the target, we have studied a row of the available sources concerning the theoretical aspects of this question. All the examples in the practical part of the term paper were taken from the textbook “Деловая переписка на английском” translated by N.A. Ganina. The references of the visual materials used in Appendices I and II can be found under the pictures.
The peculiar choice of language means is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the function the style performs.As a matter of fact there exist a number of classifications of functional styles, but the most common one was introduced by I. R. Galperin. It includes the belles-lettres style, the publicistic style, the newspaper style, the scientific style, and the style of official documents.
Sound terminology work reduces ambiguity and increases clarity — in other words, the quality of specialist communication depends to a large extent on the quality of the terminology employed, and terminology can thus be a safety factor, a quality factor and a productivity factor in its own right.The communication of specialist knowledge and information, whether monolingual or multilingual, is thus irretrievably bound up with the creation and dissemination of terminological resources and with terminology management in the widest sense of the word.The objective of the research paper is to examine the peculiarities of use of special terminology.
The topicality is explained by the profound interest to the peculiarities of this or that concept realization means as well as idiomatic and non- idiomatic fixed phrases in the English and Russian languages.
According to the definition, given by modern Russian researcher V. A. Maslova: «language is both an instrument of creation, development, storage (in the frames of the text) of culture, and it is an inherited part of it, because the language means creation of a real, objectively existing discourses of material and spiritual culture» [22, p. Moreover, the definition leaves beyond attention the differences between semantical structure of the concept in the different languages, including French and English.