Пример готового реферата по предмету: Теплоэнергетика и теплотехника
Introduction 2
1. Advantages and disadvantages of orc technologies 3
1 1. Advantages 3
1.2. Disadvantages 3
2. Applications for the ORC 4
2.1. Geothermal energy 5
2.2. Biomass combined heat and power 6
2.3. Solar power plants 9
2.4. Waste heat recovery 11
2.4.1. Heat recovery on mechanical equipment and industrial processes 11
2.4.2. Heat recovery on internal combustion engines 11
3. Working fluid selection 13
4. Overview of existing and planned ORC Systems 15
5. Review of geography of low power ORC plants in the world (by Turboden) 17
Conclusion 19
References 20
Выдержка из текста
Conceptually, the Organic Rankine Cycle is similar to a Steam Rankine Cycle in that it is based on the vaporization of a high pressure liquid which is in turn expanded to a lower pressure thus releasing mechanical work. The cycle is closed by condensing the low pressure vapor and pumping it back to the high pressure. Therefore, the Organic Rankine Cycle involves the same components as a conventional steam power plant (a boiler, a workproducing expansion device, a condenser and a pump).
However, the working fluid is an organic compound characterized by a lower ebullition temperature than water and allowing power generation from low heat source temperatures.
Список использованной литературы
1. http://www.cycle-organique-rankine.com/market-markers.phpS
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_Rankine_cycle#Choice_of_the_working_fluid
3. https://www.giz.de/en/downloads/giz 2014-en-market-potential-study-organic-rankine-cycle-technology-india.pdf
4. https://www.zhaw.ch/storage/engineering/institute-zentren/iefe/PDFs/ORC-final-paper-wec 2011-2011-07-30.pdf
5. http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/gp/bgp/3_1_Cement_Production.pdf
6. Patel PS, Doyle EF. Compounding the truck diesel engine with an Organic Rankine-Cycle system. Society of Automotive Engineers, Report Number SAE 760343 (12p), 1976.
7. http://www.labothap.ulg.ac.be/staff/squoilin/PhD_Thesis_Dissertation.pdf
8. Kranz S. Market Survey—Germany, Low-Bin project, 2007. Available from: /http://www.lowbin.eu/documentation.phpS
9. http://www.turboden.eu/it/public/downloads/NEW — ORC Brochure leaflet LR.pdf
10. https://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/138756/1/1-s 2.0-S1364032113000592-main.pdf
11. http://www.ormat.com/global-project
12. http://www.turboden.eu/en/references/references.php
13. http://www.adoratec.com/referenznav.html
14. Lazzaretto A, Toffolo A, Manente G, Rossi N, Paci M. Cost evaluation of Organic Rankine Cycles for low temperature geothermal sources.