Пример готового реферата по предмету: Языки (переводы)
Introduction 3
Psychological and linguistic aspects of translation theory 4
Conclusion 8
References 9
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Therefore translation cannot be simply (and superficially) approached neither as a “skill” nor as an “art”. It is both, and it is also something else. It is in itself a form of meta-communication, based on a deep understanding of the source culture and context (and then of the source text).
Therefore, before beginning a translation it is necessary and useful to scan into the context of enunciation (life of the writer, historical period) in order to be introduced to the actual source text.
In this respect, translation may be seen as a “global process”. But also it can be seen as an inner process which takes place in the mind of translator, and psychological specifics of the translator can influence a lot on the result of the translation. From the other hand there are problems that do not connected to the psychological sphere. Among them, for example, there is the question of the translational equivalence. We can refer them to the linguistic aspects of the translation.
The subject of our paper is “Psychological and linguistic aspects of translation theory”. This subject presupposes the solving of the following problems:
to analise the psychological aspects of the translation;
to analise the linguistic aspects of the translation;
to sum up the interaction between this two aspects.
According to that the object of our paper is the translation itself taken in two aspects of this process. To solve the problems of the paper we use such method as description.
Список использованной литературы
1. O’Brien S. The Borrowers: Researching the Cognitive Aspects of Translation. URL: http://doras.dcu.ie/18286/1/1_OBrien_final.pdf . (Date of reference: 21.11.2015).
2. Osimo B. On psychological aspects of translation. URL: http://philpapers.org/rec/OSIOPA. (Date of reference: 21.11.2015).
3. Tomaiuolo S. Translation Theory – General Outline/Notes. URL: http://www.docente.unicas.it/useruploads/001145/files/translation_theory._general_intro.pdf . (Date of reference: 21.11.2015).
4. Швейцер А.Д. Теория перевода [Shveitser A.D. Translational Theory].
http://samlib.ru/w/wagapow_a_s/shveiz-tr.shtml. (Date of reference: 21.11.2015).
5. Якобсон Р. О лингвистических аспектах перевода. [Jakobson R. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation].
URL: http://www.philology.ru/linguistics 1/jakobson-78.htm. (Date of reference: 21.11.2015).