Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
1. The main characteristics of Impressionism 5
2. The cultural value of Impressionism 8
Conclusion 9
List of references 10
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The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
1) Анализ научной литературы позволяет выделить основные узловые аспекты сравнительного анализа инвестиционной политики проводимой арабскими странами и в частности ОАЭ. А также выявить основные точки зрения современных исследователей на проблему.
Вопросам экономического роста Китая в мире посвящены работы признанных ученых-экономистов, в частности Рыжова И.В., Филипенко А.С., Шапталова Б.Н., Зуева И., и др.. Среди зарубежных авторов, изучавших эту тему, стоит отметить: Ли Хуань Шу, Дина Жуджуня, Ли Джи Шена, и Дэвида Вилкерсона.
В условиях глобализации и высокой зависимости от мировых цен энергоносителей темпы экономического роста России тесно связаны темпами роста мировой экономики. Наблюдающаяся нестабильность на мировом финансовом рынке зеркально отражается на финансовом рынке нашей страны в виде падающих доходов как населения, так и юридических лиц. Все это не может не сказаться на качестве кредитного портфеля, определяемого долей неработающих ссуд в нем. Этими фактами обусловлена актуальность и своевременность настоящего исследования.
This paper is structured as follows. After the introduction, the Chapter 1 will focus the attention on the theory of text corpora developed by different linguists: the most important features and properties will be reviewed. Chapter 2 being an emipical part of the researchwill deal with the analysis of English and American lexemes included into the structure of The GloWbE corpus words with reference of numbers of usage in American and British blogs and comparison of the meanings. After having conducted the analysis, some conclusions will be drawn.
The objects of this research paper are: directly the mistakes and errors in learning foreign language process, and the correction techniques.Goal: this research paper is intended to display, which errors and mistakes can be made by learners and teachers during the process of learning foreign languages, the role and causes of errors and mistakes, how teacher can correct them and when the correction is necessary.
Список источников информации
1. Andreev LG Impressionism: see. Feel. Express / Leonid Andre-s. — M .: Geleos, 2005. — 315 p.
2. Bertolini D. Trends in art from Impressionism to the present day: [translated from Italian]
/ Georgina Bertolini. — Moscow; Reutov: Omega Press, 2011. — 384 p.
3. Brody NV Impressionism: the discovery of light and color: 269 illustrations: [al-bom]
/ Natalia Brody. — St. Petersburg: Aurora, 2009. — 254 p.
4. Herman M. Impressionism: the founders and followers / MU Herman. — SPb .: Azbuka-classic, 2008. — 516 p.
5. Gurevich PS Cultural Studies: Textbook / PS Gurevich — M .: Knowledge, 2004.- 356 p.
6. Crepaldi G. Impressionism: History, Aesthetics, master, masterpieces: [translated from Italian]
/ G. Crepaldi. — Reutov: Omega; M: Omega Press, 2008. — 423 p.
7. Cultural Studies: Textbook / Stolyarov DY, Kortunov VV-tion editor responsible Stolyarov DY — M .: «NORMA-INFRA-M», 2013 — 327 p.
8. Markarian ES Theory of culture and modern science: a tutorial / ES Markarian. — M., 2013. — 174 p.
9. Rusakov RI French Impressionist Painting / RI Rusakov; Gosu-State Museum of Fine Arts. Alexander Pushkin. — M .: Visual Arts, 1995. — 40 p.
10. Jakimovich AK The twentieth century. Art. Culture. Picture of the world: From im pressionizma to classical avant-garde / Yakimovich; Russian Academy of Arts, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts. — M .: Art, 2003. — 491 p.
список литературы