Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
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England has only known seven white Christmases in the entire twentieth century. According to the records of the Meteorological Office in London, snow fell on Christmas Day only in 1938 and 1976. (The definition of a white Christmas in England is when one snowflake falls on the roof of the London Weather Centre.)
Although the press in this or that country is legally free, the danger lies in the fact that the majority of people are not aware of the ownership. The press in fact is controlled by a comparatively small number of persons. Consequently, when the readers see different newspapers providing the same news and expressing similar opinions they are not sure that the news, and the evaluation of the news, are determined by a single group of people, perhaps even by one person. In democratic countries it has long been assumed that government ought, in general, to do what their people want them to do.
Whatever its advantages and disadvantages are, the system will retain its current general characterizations as long as the values and assumptions that predominate in the surrounding society continue to hold away. But anyway our task today is reveal national patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA. In order to develop an educated population all states have compulsory school attendance laws which require that formal schooling begins by age 6 and continue until at least age 16.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party.
They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. As for the Scots, for example, they never put sugar in their porridge, they always put salt in it. By the way, breakfast time in England is between seven and nine. Then, between 12 and 2 there comes lunch time. In some English houses lunch is the biggest meal of the day — they have meat or fish, vegetables, fruit or pudding. In the afternoon, at tea-time the English like to have a cup of tea with milk. Some Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening. For dinner they have soup, fish or meat, vegetables, pudding or fruit. For supper they usually have a glass of milk and a cake or a cup of tea and a sandwich.
New Year is a good family holiday, one of the oldest in the world. During those old times people gathered in a winter wood around an evergreen fur-tree, lit up fires near it, sang, danced and had fun [5:56].
The aim of the paper is to learn about New Year and Christmas in different countries, on different continents.
Among official holiday we can mention New Year, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour day, Christmas and Boxing Day. The towns have hotels and boarding houses to stay in offering bed and breakfast or full board.
The main aim of the work is to retrace how the fashion changed through decades of the 20th century and to prove that fashion trends reflect greatly important events in the social live.American and British fashion was chosen as the object of the study as these countries have had the leading roles in the world’s economic, political and social events of the 20th century.The choice of this period of time is connected with the fact this time was indeed full of great changes and crisises all over the world.
– Он всегда возмущался, что они были вынуждены продать дом в Робин-Хилл. Being born in my provincial town wasn’t much different from being born in Brooklyn. – Родившийся в моем провинциальном городке не сильно отличается от того, кто родился в Бруклине.
Policies affecting young people cover a wide range of activities from education, health and housing to employment, criminal justice and participation in public life. This means an increasingly important role for youth policy within mainstream politics which requires a more integrated approach to the needs of young people, intensified contact with youth organizations and further involvement in practical activities such as youth work, non-formal approaches to education, volunteering and development.
This topic seems to me very interesting because it concentrates on the lives of outstanding people, their contribution to the world and society, they also can be taken as role models for modern youth.
But there are holiday that are celebrated all over the world and in different way. In this work we will analyse how such holidays as Christmas, New Year and Easter are celebrated in Great Britain, Canada, the USA and Australia. Traditions of these countries are very different and interesting in their own way.
Структура курсовой работы состоит из введения, двух глав и заключения. В первой главе изучена деятельность европейских банков. Во второй главе изучена Федеральная Резервная Система и Банк Китая. В заключении курсовой работы сделаны основные выводы и подведены итоги результатов исследования.