Пример готового реферата по предмету: Макроэкономика
Introduction 3
1. The development of Shanghai Free-trade Zone 4
2. The meaning of Shanghai Zone 9
3. Аnalysis and prospects of Free-trade Zone 16
Conclusion 26
Literature 28
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The Shanghai FTZ will first span 28.78 square kilometres in the city’s Pudong New Area, including the Waigaoqiao duty-free zone and Yangshan port and it is believed it may eventually expand to cover the entire Pudong district which covers 1,210.4 sq km of land.Even before it officially opened on September 29, Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone (FTZ) has been the subject of endless speculation.
Хронологические рамки исследования охватывают период с 1991 по начало 2010 года, то есть с момента практического выхода на международную арену новых независимых государств, в результате распада СССР, до проявления реинтеграционных тенденций в развитии международных отношений на постсоветском пространстве в начале XXI века.
Первыми типами зон стали свободные города (free cities) как Ватикан, ганзейские города-порты в Северном и Балтийском морях: Гамбург, Любек, Бремен, Копенгаген, Кенигсберг с 1241г., свободные порты (Free ports) как греческий порт Делос, порт Лейгхорн (именно он считается первым свободным портом мира), синк-порты в Англии в 12-14 веках в графствах Кент и Сассекс (Нью Ромней, Хит, Довер, Сандвич, Хастингс), Венеция и Марсель с 1228г., зоны свободной торговли (free trade zone).
This purpose of the course work involves the following basic tasks: definition of the nature of world trade; a study of the current state of world trade and its development trends; defining features of the structure of world trade at the present stage; review of current policies on international trade. Thus, in this work course the object of study will be international trade, itself, and the subject — the factors, dynamics and structure of modern international trade. This is a prerequisite for both of individual organizations related to foreign trade and the activities of each state in the implementation of its foreign policy and the development of medium- and long-term development programs.
The nine-day trip to ASEAN member countries by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is expected to improve Vietnam's external policy of attaching great importance to developing its relations with other ASEAN countries. The August 8-16 journey was the first trip abroad by Prime Minister Dung since he retook the office, and aimed to boost cooperation in economics, trade, and investment as well as coordination in regional issues of common concern. During the visits, Vietnam signed seven governmental-level agreements including the 2007-2010 Action Plan with the Philippines, memoranda of understanding (Molls) on cultural cooperation with Indonesia and the Philippines, another MoU with Indonesia on cooperation in Vietnam Into Cooperation With ASEAN anticorruption, an agreement on cooperation in trade promotion with the Philippines, and a double tax avoidance agreement and a MolJ on sports cooperation with Brunei.
Besides, Vietnamese firms accompanying the Prime Minister also inked a series of deals with foreign partners on cooperation in oil and gas, credit, tourism, construction, and urban development. The Vietnamese leader also met with leading enterprises of Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar and Brunei and witnessed many contracts worth up to billions of US dollars in total. According to Prime Minister Dung, Vietnam and Indonesia will continue with the implementation of the Joint Statement on the Framework of Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation for the 21st Century. Vietnam and the Philippines will focus on fully implementing the Action Plan signed for the new period to boost cooperation in politics, security, defense, economics, trade, forestry and aquaculture, tourism, healthcare, culture and education, and science and technology. Vietnam and Singapore will continue carrying out their Joint Statement on the Comprehensive Cooperation Framework for the 21st Century as well as a framework agreement on linking the two economies. They will also shortly set up a joint steering committee to accelerate the implementation of Singaporean-invested projects in Vietnam. Vietnam and Myanmar agreed to enhance cooperation in economics, trade, agriculture, forestry & fishery, oil & gas exploitation, healthcare, and telecom. They vowed to increase the two-way trade to US$100 million in 2008 from US$72 million in 2006. Meanwhile, the cooperation focus between Vietnam and Brunei in the coming time is trade, investment, oil and gas, sport, education, and labor.
Историко-генетический метод, применяемый в работе, дал возможность выявить общий ход развития событий. Данный метод способствовал выявлению причинно-следственных связей между интересами Канады и работой международных экономических организаций.
Методологическая база исследования – методы диалектического позна-ния, среди которых анализ и синтез, системный и междисциплинарный подход при работе с разнообразными научными и практическими материалами, методы логического и сравнительного анализа, функциональный и ситуационный подход, метод экспертных оценок, статистический, экономический, исторический, правовой анализ, SWOT- анализ, классификации, прогнозирование, моделирование и т.д.
Список источников информации
1. China opens Shanghai free-trade zone. The Guardian. Sunday 29 September 2013 // http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/29/china-shanghai-free-trade-zone.
2. Davis, Bob and Silk, Richard. China to Test Looser Grip on Economy. New Free-Trade Zone in Shanghai Opens. The Wall Street Journal // http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304795804579100640245613408.
3. Free-trade zone renews hopes for foreign board. Friday, 11 October, 2013 // http://www.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/1329000/free-trade-zone-renews-hopes-foreign-board.
4. Han Zheng: How Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone Works // http://english.caixin.com/2013-11-14/100604877.html .
5. Holliday, Katie. Why Shanghai free trade zone is no match for Hong Kong. Monday, 30 Sep 2013 // http://www.cnbc.com/id/101071983.
6. Jeanny Yu. Proposals announced to boost Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Monday, 02 December, 2013 // http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1371388/proposals-announced-boost-shanghai-free-trade-zone.
7. Overview of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone // http://www.mallesons.com/Documents/Shanghai_FTZ_Overview.pdf .
8. Patch, James. Shanghai Opens Free Trade Zone; Internet Restrictions Remain. The Diplomat. September 29, 2013 // http://thediplomat.com/2013/09/shanghai-opens-free-trade-zone-internet-restrictions-remain.
9. Roberts, Dexter. Shanghai’s New Free-Trade Zone: Reform Breakthrough or Hype? September 20, 2013 // http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-09-20/shanghais-new-ftz-trade-reform-breakthrough-or-hype.
10. Schuman, Michael. Shanghai Has a Free-Trade Zone, so Now What? // http://business.time.com/2013/09/30/shanghai-has-a-free-trade-zone-so-now-what/#ixzz 2nqME3LD2.
11. Shanghai Free Trade Zone: The next Shenzhen? // http://www.economist.com/news/china/21587237-new-enterprise-zone-could-spark-wider-market-reformsbut-only-if-bureaucrats-ease-their-grip.
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13. Shanghai Free-Trade Zone struggles through birth. Saturday, 09 November, 2013 // http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1351259/shanghai-free-trade-zone-struggles-through-birth.
14. Shanghai FTZ: China’s Globalization 2.0. Zhang Monan, researcher, China Int’l Economic Exchanges Center. September 27, 2013 // http://www.chinausfocus.com/finance-economy/shanghai-ftz-chinas-globalization-2-0.
15. Shanghai research on FTZ details. China.org.cn, October 15, 2013 // http://www.china.org.cn/business/2013-10/15/content_30300107.htm.
16. Shanghai wants to expand container port. 2 December, 2013 // http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1370442/shanghai-wants-expand-container-port.
17. Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone // http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/suzhou/articles/blogs-suzhou/business/shanghais-free-trade-zone 1.
18. Sudworth, John. Shanghai’s free trade zone raises hopes. BBC News, Shanghai. 26 September 2013.
19. Welcome to Investing in Shanghai Free Trade Zones… // http://ftz-shanghai.com.
20. Xie, Frank. Will Shanghai Free Trade Zone Succeed? Epoch Times. October 19, 2013.
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