Пример готового реферата по предмету: Экономика
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Начальство неизменно осознает, что стоит мотивировать сотрудников компании к работе на предприятие. Тем не менее, менеджеры считают, что для этого достаточно простого материального вознаграждения.
Однако во всех этих работах вопросам разработки механизмов оптимизации информационного взаимодействия на всех уровнях государственного управления уделяется недостаточно внимания. Также пока недостаточно работ, посвященных вопросам стратегического управления профессиональных компетенций и адаптированных к специфичным условиям в нашей стране.
Relevance of research is caused by that the set of universities which are ready to provide training services opens now. It should be noted also that many of them successfully come to the international level and can accept foreign students educating them the international level. However at all positive lines of modern universities, they have also negative sides. They have no such quality assurance, as at ancient universities of Great Britain, in particular Oxbridge. In this regard there is actual a studying of distinctive features of old British universities from modern analogs.
Corporate Code of Conduct is developed so that it should reflect the expectations of major groups interested in the company. Each employee must read and comply standards and laws pertaining to his work.In this paper we will examine the corporate code of conduct of group Linde, which actively monitors compliance with the standards set forth in this Code.
Практическая значимость. Результаты данного исследования могли бы быть полезны особенно в деятельности служб управления персоналом в аспекте оценки и координации сотрудников и выстраивании их личностной стратегии карьерного развития.
The process of phraseological unit and fixed phrase formation in each particular language highly depends on the national character of mass consciousness resulting in producing these or those implicit motivation of any type of word formation process involved.
Due to censorship by the Communist government of Czechoslovakia, his books were banned from his native country, and that remained the case until the downfall of this government in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The art of this Czech writer nowadays is very popular and relevant, because of describing the truth of the relations between Czechoslovakia and Russia and facing the greatest existential problems that people are faced with: love, death, transcendence, the sense of continuity or «heaviness» that is provided by memory, and the contrasting sense of «lightness» that is brought about by forgetting. To determine a genre-defying mix of the novel, its structure peculiarities of “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”.