Пример готового реферата по предмету: Лексикология
Content 1
Introduction 2
The category of formality in English 3
Conclusion 11
The list of the used sources 12
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Lexical meaning of every word depends upon the part of speech to which the word belongs. Every word may be used in a limiting set of syntactical functions, and with the definite valency. It has a definite set of grammatical meanings, and a definite set of forms.
The present research consists of an Introduction, a Chapter I, which is dedicated to the theoretical survey of the imagery and its types, a Chapter II, where we make an analysis of the usage of the imagery in Wilde’s poems. We describe the different types of the imagery which were used in the poems and its functions in the text.
In order to form a theoretical base of the research, we have analysed works of V.I. Kodukov, V.V. Babaytseva, V.N. Migirin, E.C. Cubreacov, V.M. Nikitevich, V.V. Lopatin, E.P. Kalechits, V.V. Bogdanov, A. Bondarenko, N.D. Arutyunova, V.V. Lopatin and many other significant thinkers. As for the sources written in Spanish, works of Pérez Rioja J.A., Francisco Matte Bon, José Roca Pons were considered to be central.
The data will be useful in working out courses in Practical and Theoretical Phonetics for Russian students to improve their English pronunciation. Also it may be of use for a wide circle of interested people.
В основном наметились два взгляда на омонимию и многозначность. Согласно первому, омонимами признаются только такие одинаково звучащие слова, которые искони были разными по форме и лишь в процессе исторического развития совпали друг с другом в едином звучании вследствие различных фонетических, и в общем случайных, причин.
The list of the used sources
1. Chomutova T. N. (2008) Reading in the theory of English Grammar.
2. Popowa O.V. (2006) Theoretical phonetics of English.
3. Shakhbagova D.A. (1982) Varieties of English Pronunciation.
4. Trudgill P., Hannah J. (1994) International English: A Guide to varieties of Standard English.
5. Quirk R. (1985) Grammar of the English Language.
6. Vassilyev V.A. (1990) English Phonetics: A Theoretical Course.
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