Пример готового реферата по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Contents 1
Introduction 2
1 The Notion of Meaning in Stylistics 3
2 The Notion of Meaning in Lexicology 5
3 The Notion of Meaning in Stylistics as Complementing to the Notion of Meaning in Lexicology 7
Conclusion 9
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The English language is rich with homonymous words, that is why it is very important to fully understand the meaning of spoken or written, as the same word in different contexts may have completely different meanings.The problem of ambiguity, which includes the problem of homonymy, is a part of more general problem of the relation of form and content in language that makes deep theoretical study necessary.
A lexeme can be analyzed and described in terms of its semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. The semantic structure of a lexeme is treated as a system of meanings. To some extent, we can define a lexeme by telling what set it belongs to and how it differs from other members of the same set.
4. What are the ways of communication for people all over the world? — The ways of communication for people all over the world are the following: trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways
3. The interests of the research engineer are in the area of applied science and research. Scientists work in a world of generalizations and abstractions. The technologist, on the other hand, works in the real world of specific things and concrete objects. His problems are practical and they require practical solutions. He is more interested in how to do things. He must understand engineering tables and formulas and apply them in his work. The scientist, the research engineer, the technologist – all play an important role in the modern world.
that is shown in analysis in English language, aspects of the language characteristic of the images created on the adjectives basis, but also versions of metalanguage forecasting directions. Detection the public conditionality of a syllable of the creations which display the realisation of adjectives inside the figurative text in English variant.
- определить индивидуально-авторские особенности концепта JOY/РАДОСТЬ в художественном дискурсе английского и русского языков, выявив его общие и дифференциальные признаки.
Гипотеза исследования состоит в следующем. Образно мотивированное основание фразеологизмов сохраняется благодаря тому, что оно отражает эмоциональную сферу человека. Именно эмоции помогают осознать как те или иные смыслы культуры, которые концептуализируются во внутренних формах фразеологических единиц, и сформировать особенности культурно-языкового сознания носителей языка и – шире – ментальности народа.
The theoretical basis of the work consists in the scientific researchers of foreign and Russian investigators such as I.V. Arnold, N.D. Arutyunova, E. Black, M. Black, R. Bradford, S. Bratoz, A.A. Bykova, A. Deignan, R. Dirven, T. Dobrzynska, I.R. Galperin, V.V. Gurevich, R. Hoffman, L. Jeffries, Yu.N. Karaulov, G. Lakoff, T. Langer, N. Mandelblit, D. Mccloskey, V.P. Moskvin, M. Nader, P. Newmark, N. Norgaard, G.N. Sklyarevskaya, G. Steen, Yu.S. Stepanov, P. Verdonk, K. Wales and others.
Every lexico-grammatical group of words or class is characterized by its own lexico-grammatical meaning, forming, as it were, the common denominator of all the meanings of the words which belongs to this group. The lexico-grammatical meaning may be also regarded as a feature according to which these words are grouped together. Many recent investigations are devoted to establishing word classes on the basis of similarity of distribution.