Пример готового реферата по предмету: Языкознание и филология
I. Introduction 3
II. Main part 5
2.1. Spread in English 5
2.2. English-based pronunciation standards of English 6
2.3. British English as a standard of pronunciation in UK 9
2.4. British English Pronunciation Standards and Accents 9
2.4.1. Received Pronunciation 9
2.4.2. BE Pronunciation Standards and Accents 12
2.5. Changes in the Standard 13
2.5.1. Sound Changes in RP 13
2.5.2. Chief Differences between RP
and Regional Accents of BE 15
2.5.3. Changes of Vowel Quality 16
2.5.4. Changes of Consonant Quality 20
III. Conclusion 22
IV. Bibliography 25
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I. Introduction
In all languages all the sounds are always in activities of change. It was normal that the speech of all communities did not develop in the same direction. Different parts of the country were exposed to different extreme influences, which were the reasons for various phonetic structures of the language. For the last five centuries, in Great Britain has appeared the rule that one type of English pronunciation is socially preferable to others, just the only regional accent began to assume all social prestige. For reasons of commerce, politics, and the presence of the Court, it was the pronunciation of the south-east of England and the London Region, that this prestige was given. This pronunciation is named Received Pronunciation which is defined as a model for right, correct pronunciation, especially for educated formal speech.
The written form of language is usually a currently accepted standard and is the same throughout the country. But spoken language may change from place to place. The varieties of the language are determined by language associations disposing from small groups to nations. Speaking about the nations we aim at the national variants of the language. Concerning to English there is a great diversity in the spoken realization of the language and particularly in terms of pronunciation .
Список использованной литературы
IV. Bibliography
1. Alimardanov R. A. Pronunciation Theory of English, T., 2009.
2. Avery Peter, Ehrlich, Susan. Teaching American English Pronunciation. Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series. Oxford University Press, 1992.
3. Algeo, John. The Cambridge History of the English Language: English in North America. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
4. Barber Ch. Linguistic Change in Present Day English. – London, 1964.
5. Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language / David Crystal. – Cambridge University Press, 1995.
6. Crystal, David, English as a Global Language; Cambridge, 1997.
7. Davies, Christopher. Divided by a Common Language. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005.
8. Gomez, Paco. English Phonetics, 2009.
9. Gimson A.C. Jones and Standards of English Pronunciation // English Studies. –Vol. 58. – No. 2. – 1977.
10. Gimson A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. – London: Edward Arnold, 1981.
11. Hughes, Arthur; Trudgill, Peter; Watt, Dominic. English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of English in the British Isles. Trans-Atlantic Publications, 2005.
12. Jones, Daniel. An Outline of English Phonetics, 1960, 9th edition.
13. Leitner, Gottlieb. The Consolidation of “Educated Southern English” as a Model in the Early 20th Century // IRAL. Vol.20. – 1982
14. Roach, Peter. A Little Encyclopedia of Phonetics, 2009.
15. Wakelin, Martyn Francis. Discovering English Dialects. Oxford: Shire Publications, 2008. First published in 1978.
16. Wells, John C. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Longman, 2000.
17. Wyld, Henry Cecil. A Short History of English, 1937, 3rd edition.
18. Антипова А.М. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 1984.
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