Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Contents 2
1 Different Types of Advertising Strategies 5
1.1 Local and Global Advertising Strategies 7
1.2 Local and Global Advertising Strategies, Branding and Globalization 9
2 Global and local advertising Strategies’ Impact on Branding 14
2.1 Global Advertising Strategies’ Impact on Branding 17
2.2 Adaptation of advertisement design in the global context 20
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According to the subject, the aims and the problems of our research we use several research methods in our work such as theory as a system of logically interconnected statements, formalization and introspection.
According to the subject, the aims and the problems of our research we use several research methods in our work such as theory as a system of logically interconnected statements, formalization and introspection.
In developing countries businessmen will discover a society composed of a complexity of multi-faceted communities with different languages, religions and therefore varying beliefs, traditions and customs. Often these have a strong impact on the political, economic and social life of the country. This should by no means be disregarded by those engaged in business relations with such countries. And when planning a deal with such a country one must be very well informed about the particulars of this aspect of life of the developing countries.
1.2 Objectives of Local AdvertisingPublic Relations, Corporate Advertising, and Noncommercial Advertising 1.2 Creative Strategies in International Advertising
In the first place the company should size its possibilities deeply: whether it is ready to become a multinational company and get to the international market. The decision depends on many factors: the company must have sufficient circulating capital, its administrators and employees should have enough high proficiency, etc. But the company has to take into account other factors as well. Much turns on the nature of product the company sets out on the market. The examination of competing firms can not be underestimated. May be it is meaningless to try to sell Russian agricultural commodities in Switzerland, electronics in Japan. On the other size of coin something conceptually new must be evaluated as well, whether it would be in demand in other countries. For example, Ukrainian bacon would be scarcely in demand in Great Britain. Any way much attention should be paid to advertising, in what connection
Excluding the racial, class, and gender diversity out of the question, the media’s use of models who are not thin is questionable. This campaign caused many negative comments on the way average-sized women are considered «plus-size» and negative critique towards the media industry, which just erases women bigger than UK size 8 from the media representation, closing their way to the social acceptance and causing a negative body image in them and the others. Since the term «plus-size model» is usually associated with and referred to female models, this paper will study the involvement of primarily female models sizes 10-12 and higher in the media industry
The main focus of this discussion will be on addressing the roots and future of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia as well as the benefits for Ukrainian civil society if Ukraine were to join the EU community. This topic is significant because it explores the current political and economic strategies used by Russia and the EU as well as reactions from the Ukrainian community.
China, the fourth largest country in area after Russia, Canada and USA has experienced manifold changes in its economic system which has seen it become the second largest economy in the world after USA if measured on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) scale. But still considered as an emerging economy as per capita incomes fall in the lower-middle level, China is making its presence felt in the global stage by taking big strides in opening up its economy to international trade. There has been speculation about its future potential to act as a major driver of the global economy, and whether its methods will provide the model that others will now seek to emulate.
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